This plan is targeted at professionals and small businesses and is roughly equivalent to the Enterprise E3 plan, however, there are many differences within each service. This article doesn’t address the Office 365 P1 plan. Currently Microsoft doesn’t enforce this limit and allows up to 1000 external users per Office 365 installation.

These access licenses are called Partner Access License (PAL) and each Office 365 installation is granted 50 Partner Access Licenses by default. In addition, the Sharepoint Online component can be accessed by external users who can collaborate on documents and projects within Office 365 Sharepoint sites. This includes the Office 365 E1, E2, E3, and E4 enterprise plans and the Office 365 K1 and K2 kiosk worker plans. Here I’ve attempted to describe in detail, the differences between the Office 365 Kiosk and Enterprise plans. However, the details for the Office 365 plans are scattered among numerous Microsoft documents that aren’t easily found, yet alone understood. There is a lot of high level information about what features are included with each Office 365 plan.

Office 365 plan comparison – Enterprise and Kiosk subscriptions (E1, E2, E3, E4, K1, K2)