Bedrock Edition adds 1.25 heart damage instead. In the Java Edition, that adds 1 extra heart damage and a further 0.5 for each level. Sharpness: A more common enchantment which increases attack damage.Looting: This is a rare enchantment, providing more drops and an increased chance of rarer items, which grows higher with each level.Also stops Minecraft creepers from exploding. Knockback: Adds three blocks to your base knockback per level and doesn’t require sprinting to activate.If used on a meat-holding mob, cooked meat drops when killed. Fire Aspect: Your sword sets fire to your target, adding 4 seconds of burning for each level.Also inflicts Slowness for 1-1.5 seconds, going up 0.5 seconds with higher levels.

Bane of Arthropods: Increased attack against Minecraft bees, endermites, silverfish and spiders, offering an extra 2.5 hearts damage per hit with each level.Swords have eight different options in total, which are: Each come with levels that increase their potency, too. Enchantments are a great way to buff your shiny new sword, but they require an Minecraft enchantments table. Unfortunately, there’s no method to guarantee what enchantment you’ll get, and they hold different rarities.